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Manifest in Englhis

Manifest of MPD In Englhis

Proposal of manifest of de MPD- Movement Protest Digital In English

The MPD , its a new candle of Moviment, open to all, who love the freedom expression inside the Internet
While commercial websites display more and more aggressive messages, target and track their users, the indie web respects the individuals, their intelligence and their privacy ; it's an open forum for thoughts and debate. While purely commercial websites turn into information and entertainment magazines, while tycoons of media, telecom, computing and military agencies fight for the control of the Internet, the indie web offers a free vision of the world, bypasses the economic censorship of news, its confusion with advertising and infomercial, its reduction to a dazing and manipulating entertainment.
Yet the existence of an independent and goodwill-based web is endangered : threatened by the never-ending technology race which makes the websites more difficult and expensive to set up, by the overwhelming commercial advertising pressure, and soon by dissymmetric networks, Network Computers, proprietary networks, broadcasting, all aiming at the transformation of the citizen into a basic consumer. The computer press, so greedy for advertising coming from companies who make their profit out of the great wealth of the free indie web, is only fascinated by the technical and economical challenges of the Internet and has deliberately decided to pass over its cultural dimension in the silence : magazines announce shortly the death of pioneer websites and basically never write more than a couple of lines about independent initiatives in comparison with the full-feature articles about any soap vendors new sites. According to them, creating one's own site is a pathetic and secondary initiative compared to all the opportunities offered by online commerce.
We invite all the person to love the freedom of the expression inside the Internet, to join this movement, to fight against all majorities companies, to want dominate the Internet

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